What is the Resale price of 3bhk in Godrej Jardinia?
Resale Price of 3 BHK in Godrej Jardinia
To determine the resale price of a 3 BHK apartment in Godrej Jardinia Resale, we can analyze the available data regarding the pricing of these properties.

Overview of Pricing Information
Available Listings: The sources indicate that there are multiple listings for 3 BHK apartments in Godrej Jardinia. These listings provide a range of prices based on various factors such as size, floor level, and furnishing status.
Price Range: From the information gathered:
The resale prices for 3 BHK apartments vary significantly.
Specific listings show prices such as ₹2.97 Crore for an 1800 sq.ft apartment, ₹3.05 Crore for another similar-sized unit, and up to ₹5.25 Crore for larger configurations around 2758 sq.ft12.
Detailed Pricing Breakdown

Smaller Units:
Godrej Tropical Isle Resale 3 BHK apartment with an area of approximately 1800 sq.ft is listed at around ₹2.97 Crore2.
Another listing for a similar size (1758 sq.ft) is priced at approximately ₹3.05 Crore1.
Larger Units:
For larger configurations, such as those around 2432 sq.ft or more, prices can go up to ₹5.0 Crore or higher2.
A notable listing indicates a price of ₹4.13 Crore for a unit sized at about 2500 sq.ft1.

Godrej Jardinia Resale
Based on the analysis of the available data regarding resale prices:
The resale price of a 3 BHK apartment in Godrej Jardinia ranges from approximately ₹2.97 Crore to ₹5.25 Crore, depending on the size and specific features of the apartment.